Monday, February 22, 2010

Will The world come to an end in year 2012?

This report is written about an investigation done on 2012 phenomena. Throughout this report it provides some information about “Mayan Calendar”, Galactic alignment, Polar shift theory and sun storms, Planet X, Super volcano and Web Bot project, which are the major arguments in 2012 phenomena. Besides this “Mayan calendar”, galactic alignment and polar shift theory is described further. Not only these explanations but also it includes the possibility of these incidents.

2.1 Mayan Calendar

2.1.1 What Is Mayan Prophecy?

Mayans were able to calculate the length of lunar moon as 329.53020 days before thousand years. There’s only a 34 seconds difference from the today calculation which is done by using latest technology. Wikipedia says among their other accomplishments, Mayas invented an amazing calendar with higher accuracy and complexity. It is a pyramid established in Mexico with four stairways each has 91 steps and a platform at the top making a total of 365 equaling to the number of days in a year. It has a long count date appeared as which describes the 21st December in 2012. It is the last date mentioned in Mayan calendar. Therefore Mayan calendar predicts that earth will end in December 21st, 2012.

2.1.2 Will The World End As Predicted?

The answer is NO, because Mayans calendar was invented thousand years ago and 12th December 2012 is the last date they could count. It is just the end of their long count period and after that another long count period starts.

2.2 Galactic Alignment

2.2.1 What Is Galactic Alignment?

The 'Galactic Alignment' is an astronomical phenomenon that refers to an alignment between the December solstice sun with the equator of our galaxy, the Milky Way. It was originally popularized by John Major Jenkins.

As Jenkins (1998) explains in the solar system sun and the planets both share same plane of orbit which is called as plane of the ecliptic. As we seen from earth our galaxy Milky Way move along or near the ecliptic and this is caused to recede counterclockwise by one degree once every 72 years. This movement occurs a slight wobble in the earth’s axis, but this time Milky Way moves parallel to our solar system therefore it is said that the slight wobble in the earth’s axis will cause severely this time and it is predicted to happen in 2012.

2.2.2 Will This Cause To The End Of The World?

It is found that this galactic alignment is not happening in 2012. Jenkins J.M., Maya Cosmogenesis, (Bear & co.) 1998 says

In the interest of clarity, I will mention that it would be more accurate to say that the alignment occurs in the era of A.D. 2012; because precession is such a slow phenomenon, fifty years on either side of 2012 might be appropriate.”

Besides Nasa states that there aren’t planetary alignments for next few decades and earth won’t cross the galactic plane in 2012 and each December sun and earth align with the center of the galaxy as an annual consequence. Although there is an alignment to occur it effects to earth can be negligible.

2.3 Polar Shift Theory And Sun Storms

2.3.1 What Is Polar Shift Theory?

Our earth is surrounded by an electromagnetic field which depends on the magnetic field of earth created by North and South poles. Scientists predict that there is a shift in this North and South poles once a number of years. This incident also called as the geomagnetic reversal.

Wikipedia points out that last one had happened before 750,000 years ago and now there’s an overdue of 30000 year for the next polar shift. This cause to the removal of the electromagnetic field which protects the earth from harmful UV’s and sun storms. However recent sun storms have damaged the satellite systems and we were not affected because of the mentioned protective shield. It is said that there’s an increasing sun storm which will be reach to its peak in year 2012 and it will burn the whole earth.

2.3.2 Is It Possible To Happen This?

It is found that normally geomagnetic reversal take about 5000 years to complete. NASA believes that it is impossible happen a geomagnetic reversal on particular date and time. Besides they predict that the mentioned sun storm won’t reach the peak in 2012 and whether it occur it will only damage the mobile networks and satellite systems.

2.4 Super Volcano

Wikipedia mentions that super volcanoes are different from normal volcanoes because their eruption happens after a long period of time. This eruption becomes a huge one because it is consist of approximately 1000 cubic kilometers of material, which has been pressured under a steady ground for a period of time. For instance Lake Taupo, Yellowstone National Park in United States are recognized super volcanoes.

2.5 Planet X

There is a belief among lot of scientists that a dwarf planet is coming towards our earth, which is also known as “Nibiru”. They believe that this will hit us on year 2012. NASA says,

“Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles”.

2.6 Web Bot Project

It is a series of automated bots (internet robots) that search the internet for specific keywords and data patterns. Its co-creator George Ure states that it has predicted September 11 attack, 2004 Indian Ocean earth quake.etc. Besides this recently it has predicted about a catastrophe in 2012.

3.0 Conclusion

In conclusion throughout this report it points out some major concepts and theories which are associated with 2012 phenomena. This report adduces some detailed information on Mayan predictions, galactic alignment and the possibility of happening these. Besides these it also describes about polar shift theory and how it effects to world’s end, whether this occurs in year 2012 or not. Apart from this it explicates about super volcanoes, planet X and Web Bot project briefly. On my point of view end of the world cannot be predicted by humans or computers, because Earth is not created by man or machines.